The Top 10 Fact-Checking Sites

Controversial and divisive events in recent years, such as the 2020 presidential election and the Covid-19 pandemic, have driven home the importance of fact-checking websites. While no single entity can or should serve as the sole arbiter of the truth, fact-checking websites offer an essential service by delivering well-researched information, ideally in an unbiased manner, to clarify what is verifiably known about a specific topic. But which fact checkers come closest to this goal?

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Top Articles on Overturning Roe v. Wade

The Issue

In an unexpected turn, a leaked draft opinion from the Supreme Court has signaled the court’s intention to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade case, jeopardizing national-level protections for abortion. While the outcome was expected to some degree given the conservative leaning of the court, the likely outcome overturns a decades-old legal precedent and infringes upon what global institutions like the United Nations classify as a protected human right.

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Why Are Drug Prices So High in the U.S.?

Americans are paying approximately 2.5 times as much as other developed countries for identical drugs, and high prices are leading some individuals to forego, modify, or delay treatments – leading to loss of life. The issue is seemingly a no-brainer politically, with Republican and Democratic majorities supporting allowing the federal government to negotiate prescription drug prices, but change has been slow to come. Promises that former president Trump was making back in 2018 (“You’ll be seeing drug prices falling very substantially in the not-too-distant future, and it’s going to be beautiful”) look very similar to ones President Biden is making today (“I’m committed to using every tool I have to lower prescription drug costs for Americans”). So, why are drug prices so high, and what can be done about it?

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Search results you can trust. Announcing The Factual’s news search engine.

Every day, 100 million people search for news on Google. But the experience is frustrating.

You get endless results without any sense for which stories are most credible and informative. On divisive topics, it may feel like you’re only seeing one side of the story. And when you finally find something you want to read, you often encounter an annoying paywall.

Today, The Factual is announcing a better way to search for news.

When you search for news at The Factual, you see results with all the context that is lacking on Google.

Useful search results with multiple credible viewpoints across the political spectrum.

Every article is graded for how informative and opinionated it is by The Factual’s AI — in a transparent manner so you can understand why that story is being suggested. And unlike Google, the grading prioritizes expertise instead of popularity.

Every article has political bias ratings so that you can understand how a story may be framed and can easily see multiple perspectives across the political spectrum. 

It also lets you easily identify paywalled articles, or even filter them out, so that when you choose to click on a story you can read it without any friction.

Easily filter out paywalled articles and find different viewpoints

Finally, because The Factual’s search is free and has zero advertising, the only goal is to inform you as quick as possible. So, to start feeling better about the news, go to today.

Ps: if you’d like to send feedback, please do so on Product Hunt where we are featured today!

What Are the Best Nonpartisan News Sources?

The Factual helps people find unbiased news on trending topics. Our transparent rating system uncovers the most informative and least opinionated stories from hundreds of sources across the political spectrum. Sign up for our daily newsletter or download our app (Apple or Android) today!

In an increasingly polarized news space, we often seek the goldilocks zone of nonpartisan news. Some sources may strike us as too liberal, others as too conservative, while all we’re looking for is the perfect, middle-ground combination. If you’re here to find out what those sources may be, you’ve come to the right place.

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Which Countries Are Sending Weapons and Equipment to Ukraine?

Almost immediately after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, neighboring countries and others started making commitments to send weapons and military equipment in response to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s urgent requests for assistance. The list grew in the first days of the conflict to include states that had previously seemed unlikely to get involved, such as Germany, Sweden, and Norway. Buttressed by these shipments, including $350 million in weapons and equipment from the U.S., Ukraine appears set to continue to put Russian forces at risk over the weeks to come.

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Should RT and Sputnik News Be Banned?

After Russia invaded Ukraine, severe economic sanctions were accompanied by a multinational decision to ban Russian-state media from many spaces. First, the European Union (EU) said Sputnik News and RT would no longer be seen in the EU, then tech platforms systematically limited access to these networks or applied warning labels about their content. Following years of concern about tech censorship and perceived bias, was this the right decision? What consequences might it have?

At The Factual, these questions were discussed at length within our team due to the editorial process for preparing the daily newsletter. While we employ a rating system to identify highly informative articles and minimize our biases when selecting stories, we still employ human judgment on the final selection as we look to present different angles across the political spectrum. So, where did we land on the banning decision?

Below are excerpts from the internal team conversation presenting arguments for and against banning Russian state media. The discussion illuminates the many factors that go into such a decision and the complex implications involved. We hope that sharing this with you provides some insight into the guiding principles and discussion behind The Factual.

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Can a No-Fly Zone Be Used in Ukraine?

A wide range of figures from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to Senator Adam Kinzigner (R-IL) have advocated for the use of a no-fly zone in Ukraine since Russia’s invasion began on February 24. The idea largely seems to be put forward as a way to impose costs on the invading Russian forces without putting “boots on the ground.” However, there is limited awareness about what the policy would entail, leading to many articles clarifying how dangerous such a move could be.

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Does the U.S. Spend Too Much on Defense?

The state of U.S. defense spending is often boiled down to eye-catching but incomplete statistics. On one side, the U.S. spends more than the next 11 nations combined, amounting to a grand total of 38% of defense spending worldwide, three times more than China, and ten times more than Russia. Conversely, defense spending as a percentage of GDP is at one of the lowest points since World War II, at somewhere between 3 and 4 percent. Depending on who you ask, the U.S. is either at risk of being unable to cope with 21st-century security challenges, including from actors such as China and Russia, or wasting money hand over fist on unproven, outdated, or irrelevant platforms.

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