How Reliable Is The Intercept?

The Intercept is a news organization that focuses on “holding the powerful accountable through fearless, adversarial journalism.” The organization has a reputation as a refuge for world-class, independent journalists but also has a checkered past. Several of its co-founding editors have left due to editorial disagreements, and one former author was fired for deceptive journalistic practices. So, how reliable is The Intercept and how biased is its reporting?

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Is HuffPost Reliable?

HuffPost, formerly known as the Huffington Post, is an online news aggregator and blog that offers coverage on a range of topics from politics and business to technology, popular media, and culture. Promising a “people-first approach,” the site gained prominence collecting articles from independent bloggers working in political journalism. Due to the website’s inherently populistic nature and its series of recent acquisitions by media conglomerates such as AOL, Verizon, and Buzzfeed, the integrity and accountability of HuffPost come into question. So just how reliable is HuffPost?

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Is Mother Jones Reliable?

Mother Jones was founded as a magazine for investigative journalism in 1976, named for trade union activist Mary Harris Jones, a key opponent of child labor. Since its founding, the publication has been widely received as progressive and liberal, though the it insists that its only bias is for the truth. So, how biased and reliable of a news source is Mother Jones?

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How Biased Is Jacobin?

Jacobin is an American socialist magazine based in New York. It describes itself as a publication for the new generation of Marxist — a magazine for those who have perhaps not lived through the Cold War yet who nonetheless wish to explore socialist perspectives on politics, business, and culture. Accolades have been given to the magazine, with thinkers like Noam Chomsky cherishing the publication’s “penetrating, lively discussions and analyses of matters of real significance, from a thoughtful left perspective.” Yet, the magazine’s explicit radicalism puts its objectivity and credibility in question. So, how biased is Jacobin?

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Is Mediaite Reliable?

Mediaite is a politics and opinion website that aims to be “a trusted source on the intersection of politics and media across the political spectrum.” The site blurs the line between politics and entertainment and has been described by the New York Times as a blog that covers “the gossipy media world.” So, how reliable of a news source is Mediaite?

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Is the LA Times Reliable?

The LA Times is a leading voice for news across the LA Metropolitan Area with many notable achievements, including 47 Pulitzer Prize awards, 1.3 million daily readers, and 27 million monthly website visits, which also gives it a national profile. At times, however, the newspaper receives criticism for having a liberal bias. This leads The Factual to ask two questions: how credible is the LA Times, and how biased is its coverage? 

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How Reliable Is MSNBC?

MSNBC is often seen as a left-leaning version of Fox News, producing highly biased or opinionated news in lieu of traditional “straight” news reporting. The television network and news site are commonly under fire from both sides of the political spectrum—from the right for being a vocal outlet of liberal perspectives and from the progressive left for being the mouthpiece of the establishment center-left. The quality of their news stories has also come under fire: a 2018 Knight Foundation/Gallup survey put MSNBC as the third-most biased major news site, after Fox News and Breitbart. So, how reliable is news content from MSNBC and how biased is its reporting?

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How Reliable Is MarketWatch?

MarketWatch is a finance and business news website founded in 1997 to provide access to real-time market data. Today, it holds “the democratization of financial information” as a guiding principle. Given its close relationship to the financial world, the site is often thought of as having a slight conservative bias, but more recent reviews may show the publication to be more centrist than previously thought. This study from The Factual seeks to assess the reliability of MarketWatch as well as its potential political bias.

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How Reliable Is MIT Technology Review?

MIT Technology Review is a bimonthly science and technology magazine associated with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, “the world’s foremost technology institution.” The publication is known for its annual series on innovators under 35, the top 10 technology breakthroughs of the year, and the world’s 50 smartest companies. Despite the magazine’s strong background, it’s worth asking: how reliable are articles from MIT Technology Review?

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How Reliable Is the National Interest?

The National Interest is a bimonthly international relations magazine owned by the Center for the National Interest, a think tank formerly known as the Nixon Center for Peace and Freedom. The magazine is generally regarded as slightly conservative, largely due to its support for the realist school of thought. Realism, contrasting with liberalism, “emphasizes the competitive and conflictual side of international relations,” and the magazine attempts to distance itself from “liberal hawks and neoconservatives.” So, how reliable is the National Interest?

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