Back to School: The Search for Consensus on When and How to Reopen

Perhaps one of the biggest points of contention in recent weeks has been the debate over whether and how schools should reopen this coming fall. On the surface, political quibbling has made the issue appear as partisan as the debates over lockdowns or reforming the police, with those on the right favoring reopening—and President Trump even threatening to defund schools that refuse to reopen—and advocates on the left arguing for a far more cautious return to school. But below this political contention lies considerable agreement across the political spectrum on several of the key issues.

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The Factual Bot: Helping Reddit Users Have Balanced Discussions on the News

Reddit is the largest discussion board in the world, with 330 million monthly users, 30 million of whom are in the U.S. A lot of the conversation on Reddit revolves around the news and can sometimes get contentious as people argue based on their point of view and aren’t always receptive of others’ views. To help people have more thoughtful conversations, we are delighted to debut The Factual Bot — a new automated news rating and suggestion bot that is live in the Reddit community r/NeutralNews.

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Raised on the Internet: How News Conscious Is Gen Z?

Armed with tweets and Tiktoks, the enigmatic Generation Z has proven anything but indifferent to the political climate. Recent years have seen “Zoomers” grappling the mic on issues ranging from gun control to climate justice, and videos of high school students facing off against incumbent senators at town halls have gone viral. Given this generation’s unique relationship with digital media, The Factual partnered with Political Youth, a U.K.-based platform for civic-minded teens, to investigate the implications of Gen Z’s heavy media reliance and perform a transatlantic comparison of their news consumption habits. 

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The Portrayal of Youth in The Media: Political Youth x The Factual

In June 2020, The Factual collaborated with UK social media platform Political Youth to do a cross-country comparison of Gen Z news habits. This article is written by Matthew Cormack, founder of Political Youth, as he reflects on his experiences as a Gen Z activist and news consumer. 

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Did Lockdowns Work? Where the Left and Right Agree and Disagree

As much as Covid-19 has been a health pandemic, it has also been a pandemic of disagreement, particularly when it comes to lockdowns, in terms of both their effectiveness at stopping the spread of the virus and their relative costs for society. There is a fairly consistent divide in how the left and right view lockdowns (unlike with the efficacy of mask use, which the left and the right generally agree upon, even if the American public hasn’t always followed through).

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Women Journalists Are the Most Credible Voices on Covid-19

By Phillip Meylan and Lucina Di Meco

On more than one occasion, The Factual has uncovered data on the U.S. media ecosystem that suggests that women journalists make up a disproportionately high number of the most credible journalists. An analysis back in April found that 8 of the top 10 journalists covering Covid-19 were women, but until today The Factual has not undertaken a systematic review to see if this is a pattern or random coincidence. 

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