Why Is Critical Race Theory So Divisive?

In the first six months of 2021, 16 states in the U.S. have considered bills restricting critical race theory (CRT) from being taught in public institutions, and several have signed them into law. Against the backdrop of George Floyd’s death in 2020, which propelled discussions about race to an apex around the world, this juxtaposition may appear confusing.

What is critical race theory? Why is there a strong backlash against it? Does CRT advance or hinder conversations about racism in society?

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The Many Questions of Reparations

To mark 100 years since the Tulsa Massacre, President Biden recently visited Tulsa and decried the day’s tragic events. Beginning on May 31, 1921, groups of white men, reacting to a claim that a Black man attacked a white woman (later revealed to be false), began shooting Black residents and burning down businesses on Tulsa’s Black Wall Street. This led to some 300 deaths and the leveling of what had been the richest Black neighborhood in the U.S. Now, a century later, the area still shows scars, both from the massacre and from subsequent policies that frustrated the revitalization of the area. 

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Which News Sources Are the Most Objective?

To be objective means to “not be influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.” From Covid-19 to the Capitol Riot, Americans need objective, fact-based journalism as much as ever to provide clarity on the events of the day, from the latest medical advice, to political debates, to foreign policy. But finding the best, most unbiased news can be a challenge, especially when one considers that more than 10,000 articles are published every day in the U.S. media ecosystem.

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The Best Articles on the War in Afghanistan in 2021

To find the best news on trending topics in 2021, The Factual is conducting a series of studies using its AI-powered algorithm for rating the credibility of news articles and analysis. The Factual Grade — our measurement of an article’s credibility — can be used to help us identify which publishers, authors, and specific articles account for the most well-researched articles on any topic. 

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The Best Journalists on the War in Afghanistan

To help readers get access to the best news, The Factual is using its AI-powered algorithm to collect data on the biggest news topics of 2021. This week we are focusing on Afghanistan and the impending U.S. withdrawal of military forces. To that end, we’ve put together a dataset of 3,286 articles about Afghanistan from over 240 major news sources and organizations from January 1, 2020 to May 5, 2021. Each time our algorithm analyzes an article it produces a Factual Grade — a measurement of how well-researched and reliable an article is. We can then use these scores to highlight specific publishers, authors, and specific articles that are consistently delivering top-notch journalism and analysis on any topic. 

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The Best News Sources on the War in Afghanistan

The Factual is using its AI-powered algorithm to identify the best news and analysis on key topics in 2021. This week, we’ve built a dataset of 3,286 articles about Afghanistan from over 240 major news sources and organizations from January 1, 2020 to May 5, 2021. Using the Factual Grade — a measure of an article’s information value based on four quantifiable metrics — we can then determine which publishers, authors, and specific articles are delivering the most well-researched journalism and analysis on the topic. 

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The Best News Sources on U.S. Immigration in 2021

In the media, there may be hundreds or thousands of articles on topics such as immigration, making it hard to find reliable, well-researched journalism. The cacophony of voices on any subject, not to mention the demands of daily life, can make it a herculean task to find the very best reporting on any topic.

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The Best Journalists on U.S. Immigration in 2021

Does the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border resemble a “crisis” or is the plight of migrants being manipulated for political points? How much does immigration policy differ under Biden when compared to Trump? As with most news topics, there are many questions and many different answers for each. With a topic like immigration, there may be hundreds or thousands of articles every few months, complicating the task of finding credible, well-researched articles to get a clear view of the situation. The media environment, mixed with our busy schedules, cries out for a way to cut out the noise and jump to the very best journalism on any topic.

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