What Are the Most Credible Liberal News Sources?

When you hear left-leaning news, you may think CNN, The New York Times, or The Washington Post. While these large media sources produce a large volume of stories, are they actually the most credible left-leaning sources?

In an increasingly saturated and liberal-leaning news space, readers are faced with the challenge of cutting through the noise and simultaneously forming their own opinions. With over 320 left-leaning news outlets, parsing through that amount of information seems a nearly impossible task.

To make the search for credible news easier, we used our algorithm to find the highest-ranking liberal news sites, to follow up from our previous analysis of the highest-ranking conservative news sites.

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Best Covid-19 News Sources

Many have noted that the Covid-19 pandemic was accompanied by an “infodemic” — a flood of related news and information that played a large role in how different populations responded to the virus. Looking back at 2020, we can now see what a full year of Covid-19 coverage tells us, from who was publishing the most to who was publishing the best, most well-researched journalism.  

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What Are the Most Credible Conservative News Sources?

As the public increasingly looks for unbiased news and different perspectives to get the full story, many struggle to find reputable conservative sources. The average news reader can probably guess Fox News and Breitbart are right-leaning, but neither produces the best-researched, most unbiased news articles among conservative sites. So, what are the best sources for credible conservative news? 

We analyzed 1,000 articles each from 240 news sources from across the political spectrum and then used that data to identify the top sources for conservative news. Here is the breakdown of the top 10 publications based on their average Factual Grade.

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What Are the Best Conservative News Sources for Covid-19?

2020 was a record year, not least because of the enormous influx of Covid-related news. By our calculations, as many as 500 articles were published by major local and national news outlets every day over the course of the year. That left a huge range of choice for readers seeking quality, well-researched journalism.

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What Are the Best Left-Leaning News Sources for Covid-19?

2020 was a record year, not least because of the enormous influx of Covid-related news. By our calculations, as many as 500 articles were published by major local and national news outlets every day over the course of the year. That left a huge range of choice for readers seeking quality, well-researched journalism.

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How Real Is “Cancel Culture?”

Have you ever felt uncomfortable sharing your opinion on politics — whether online or with friends? If so, you’re not alone. Americans are becoming increasingly cautious about sharing their political opinions. In a recent survey, 62 percent of Americans described today’s political climate as one that “prevents them from saying things they believe because others might find them offensive.” Further, this was not a sentiment limited to one side of the political spectrum. More than half of liberals and three-quarters of conservatives are hesitant to share some of their political views. Both of these percentages have risen in recent years, in tandem with the rising debate over so-called “cancel culture.”  

But it’s not just everyday Americans that feel limited in their speech. In July 2020, 153 notable academics, authors, journalists, and others published “A Letter on Justice and Open Debate” in Harper’s Magazine. In the letter, signees ranging from liberal philosopher Noam Chomsky to conservative author David Brooks voice their concern over “cancel culture” and the preservation of free speech. While the extent to which “cancel culture” endangers free speech is debated, the letter demonstrates that some academics and media professionals consider it a serious threat. 

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The View From The Factual’s Readers: The Majority Want to Kill the $3.5 Trillion Infrastructure Bill

Earlier this week, House Democrats voted 220-212 to move forward with assembling a $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill, which would represent spending above and beyond the $1 trillion bipartisan bill already passed by the Senate. Neither bill has come up for a final vote, but timing will be at the end of September.

The machinations related to these budget packages have been watched closely in Washington, with progressive Democrats — and President Biden — signaling that the budgets must be passed simultaneously.

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The Best Liberal News Sources

For consumers of news from left-leaning viewpoints, the task of finding credible news can be difficult. While news on the right is increasingly restricted to a handful of sources, left-leaning outlets are numerous and varied. As a result, finding the best news to read is increasingly challenging. 

The allure of ad revenue incentivizes news sources to publish more frequently. But is good for publishers may not be good for the consumer. Finding well-researched, minimally biased, and credible articles is hard but essential for making daily choices. And everyone deserves the tools to do so.

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Pandemic Endgame: Confronting Covid-19 Vaccine Misinformation

Vaccinations are arguably the greatest medical technology ever created. From the eradication of smallpox to the prevention of certain types of cancers, the success of vaccines is indisputable. The recent COVID-19 vaccines are no less impressive than their numerous predecessors, but are just as maligned by vaccine misinformation. The leaders in effectiveness are the dual-dose Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, which achieve about 95% effectiveness after two doses, while the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine has a 72% overall efficacy with an 86% efficacy against severe disease. While no vaccine offers 100% protection, they are all recommended to help bring this pandemic to a close and return society to normal. It is already evident that these vaccines are delivering on their promise to protect society as case numbers have dropped precipitously across the U.S. since their introduction.

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The Best Conservative News Sources

Large conservative news outlets like Fox News and Breitbart produce hundreds of articles a day. For example, over 504 days of news coverage, Fox News published at least 64,122 articles, or almost 125 articles per day. Because news consumers are swamped with choices, it can be hard to know what to read. While the guiding principle of “quality over quantity” rings true, it’s harder than ever to live by. 

The allure of ad revenue forces news sites to publish with increasing frequency. But what might be best for newsrooms may not be the best for new consumers. As a result, finding articles that are well researched, minimally biased, and credible is no small task. Everyone deserves the tools to do so.

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